Contact & Visit Us

Opening hours Öppettider

Tuesday to Friday 10 - 12  &  13 - 16

💎Tisdag till fredag

kl.10 - 12 & kl. 13 - 16💎

15/4 - 18/4 closed🐣

Välkommen till den nya ateljén på Kemistvägen 10 i Täby på ovan tider❣️




Kemistvägen 10
183 79 Täby
[Get Directions]

(our entrance is AT THE SIDE of the building, NOT at the main entrances)

Karta Kemistvagen 10

🚘 Remember to scan the QR CODE AT MY ENTRANCE DOOR for 2h of free parking! (ps. they are quick to hand out fines…)

Point your mobile camera 📱📷  at the code & click on the yellow website to enter your car’s


Phone: +46 (0)8 792 00 30

E-mail: [email protected]

Om ingen svarar hjälper vi kunder i butiken. Prova gärna att ringa igen lite senare tack.

If nobody answers it is because we are helping customers in the shop. Please try again a little later.